We have ample parking in front of the Church and the Parish House. Some of our parking places are designated as handicapped spaces for those with disabilities -- there is a ramp to access the Historic Church on the south (back) side of the building. You will also find several parking spaces marked especially for our visitors. If you are new to our parish, these are for you.
After you park, please follow the signs to the West (Main) entrance to the Church.
You should expect to be greeted warmly and made to feel welcome and at home. Ushers will hand you a bulletin for that day's service and will answer any questions you may have. At the end of the service, the Priest will greet you as you leave, and many members of the congregation usually gather outside the door to greet friends and visitors.
Our principle worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings. It is best to arrive 5-10 minutes before it begins so that you have a chance to find a seat where you are comfortable. An organ prelude will begin about five minutes before the worship begins. There is also a 8:30 service with the same service without the hymns.
You can sit anywhere! There are no "assigned seats," and the people of Ware are hospitable in welcoming you. If you have a question during the service, feel free to ask someone with a name tag.
Worship services at Ware Church are open to all; anyone may attend and worship.
There is never a cost to worship at Ware. Contributions to the church are entirely voluntary. We pass a collection plate, but please do not feel obligated to put anything in.
There is no dress code at Ware. Many parishioners wear what could be described as "business casual" attire. You may also see tee-shirts and jeans. You'll see a few suits and a few more formal dresses. Come as you are most comfortable.
At Ware Church we have two Sunday morning worship services. The central act of worship in the Episcopal Church is the Holy Eucharist, or Holy Communion. The liturgy (or format) for both services is found in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and in The Hymnal 1982 (hymnal). The weekly church bulletin will guide you to necessary sections of the BCP and the hymnal. Both books are found in the pews. If you are new to worship in the Episcopal Church, the best way to learn the liturgy is to experience it. Don’t get frustrated trying to keep up with all that happens your first visit. Just be present. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts and heart. It is helpful to sit with someone who is very familiar with the liturgy. Ask an usher to introduce you to someone who is willing to guide you through the service.
Music is an important part of our worship. We have an excellent Sanctuary Choir, which welcomes new members who wish to help lead the congregation.
All baptized Christians are invited to share Holy Communion at Ware Church, regardless of denomination. However, if you are not Episcopalian, your own denomination may have instructions for you on this matter. If you have not been baptized, we invite you to come forward for a blessing.
At Ware, we use real wine and small wafers for Communion. The Ushers will assist in getting you to and from the communion rail. There are a variety of options when it comes to receiving Communion. First, you may stand or kneel to receive. When the priest comes by with the bread (wafers), hold out your crossed open hands and the bread will be placed there. You may consume the bread then or wait until the Chalicer comes by with the wine, touch the bread lightly to the wine, and then consume it. You may also drink wine directly from the chalice (the common cup). When the Chalicer reaches you, take the base of the chalice lightly with your thumb and forefinger and assist in bringing the chalice to your lips. If you wish to receive the bread only, simply cross your arms over your chest as the Chalicer approaches. Those who are not baptized and those wishing to receive a blessing only are always invited to come to the communion rail for a blessing. Indicate this by crossing your arms over your chest. If you have difficulty approaching the altar rail for communion, let an Usher know and it will be our honor to bring the Sacrament to you in your pew.
Ware Episcopal Church
7825 John Clayton Memorial Highway, Gloucester, Virginia 23061, United States
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